There are many health and behavioral benefits to having your dog spayed or neutered. Today, our Murfreesboro vets list some reasons to have this common procedure done for your pet, when it should happen and what you can expect with spayed or neutered dogs.
When should I spay or neuter my dog?
Your vet can spay or neuter your dog when your pup is almost any age, as long as your pup is healthy. People commonly refer to this procedure as having your dog 'fixed' and it can usually be performed by a vet anywhere from 6 to 9 months after your puppy is born.
What is spaying?
When a female dog is spayed, the dog's reproductive organs are removed so your pooch will be unable to have puppies.
What is neutering?
When a male dog is neutered, the vet will surgically remove your dog's testicles to prevent him from being able to father puppies.
What are the benefits of spaying or neutering my dog?
Spaying or neutering your dog offers many benefits related to health and behavior of your beloved pet, including the ones listed below.
If your female dog is spayed at a young age, she will not go into heat. Scheduling your dog for a spaying appointment before her first heat can help her live a long, healthy life free from serious health issues such as uterine infections and breast tumors.
If a female dog is not spayed, she'll typically go into heat every 6 months, for about 3 to 4 weeks at a time. While this is happening, she'll excrete a bloody vaginal discharge. You may notice she grows clingier, jumpier or edgier than usual.
Having your dog neutered early can help prevent certain prostate problems and testicular cancer. A neutered dog will also be less likely to try to escape from home to search for females or to roam unnecessarily. This reduced risk of roaming can help protect your dog from injuries as a result of fights with other males, traffic accidents or other misadventures.
When male dogs are left unneutered, they are more likely to act aggressively toward other dogs, mount other dogs or people, and spray urine in the house to mark their territory.
Long-term, having your puppy spayed or neutered might save you money by avoiding costs related to litters of unwanted puppies, treatment of injuries due to fighting or roaming and treatment for illnesses that could have been avoided by having your dog 'fixed'.
Less Pet Overpopulation Thanks to Spayed & Neutered Dogs
It's not possible to overstate the importance of reducing unwanted puppies, since shelters across the United States are filled with homeless and unwanted dogs. If all pet owners had their dogs spayed or neutered, there would be fewer dogs waiting in shelters for forever homes. Fewer unwanted puppies will help reduce the number of animals living on the streets, and fewer euthanizations.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding people or pets. Always follow your doctor's advice regarding asthma or other allergy symptoms.